Lexi Butler Designs On The Rise
When Lexi Butler Designs was launched on Aug 16th 2015 we had to fight for presence on the web and in the search engines. Especially a brand new jewelry company nobody has ever heard of has next to no chance to get seen on page one in the search engine.
Now Look at us!!!! You can find Lexi Butler Designs at Polyvore, Wanelo, Fancy, Reddit and of course all the social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and much more.
2016 is going to be the spring board into success with constantly upcoming new designs, created by the artisan and owner Lexi Butler.
I found your blog on google, when I was searching for something. I really like your style of jewelry. Through the copper is is earth friendly, what I like. You have many designs, which I have never seen before. That makes your jewelry truly unique and also very affordable. I will def. bookmark your site.
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