Relevance of Beautiful Jewelry Is Sign of A Classic
Lexi Butler Designs is a small company specializing in classic designs of beautiful jewelry for women. The quality and inspiration you get are priceless.
Chalcedony is a type of quartz with microcrystalline structure. Just to give you an idea, here are some varieties of the Chalcedony stone:
Petrified Wood
Chalcedony comes in many shapes and colors. Though the prevalent are white and grey varieties, we can find some gorgeous hues of pink, blue, red, brown and green. This stone is widely used in jewelry-making and in the crafting of the spiritual jewelry pieces.
It is believed that chalcedony brings mind, body, and spirit into alignment. Chalcedony removes unwanted feelings and negative energies inside of us. Such emotions like sadness and doubt dissipate with the presence of a chalcedony stone, thus making a person more open to new ideas and opportunities ahead of her.

Chalcedony Improves Self-Perception
When discussing healing properties of a chalcedony, it is noted that this stone has a positive effect on eyes, bones, spleen and blood, circulatory system, and gallbladder.
Chalcedony is thought to be a nurturing stone, supporting and nurturing people into giving positive relationships with their kids and people they are involved with professionally and socially.
Blue or Lavender chalcedony is said to exude open-mindedness, enthusiasm, and creativity in a person. It increases listening and communication skills. Those who wish to improve their speaking and communicating skills – wear a blue or lavender chalcedony stone jewelry.
It will also help a person to learn new languages and improve memory. Who doesn’t want all that, right?
Blue chalcedony promotes peace – internal, as well as through spoken word. This stone brings peaceful resolutions to disputes. Hence the quality of this stone to promote and heal physical and non-physical throat issues.
I find this amazing unique jewelry finds for my closet at a one-of-a-kind jewelry shop, Lexi Butler Designs. The gifted artist pours her soul and imagination in her labor of love when visualizing and planning for her unique creations. Check out her extensive collection in necklaces, rings, bracelets, and jewelry for the cause. You discover something special for yourself, no doubt in that.
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